Dumb Political Correctness

It was going to go bad in a day or two anyway, so why all the fuss?
Look what is new with the banana wall today!
There is quite a battle raging now for hottest female political leader
Bolivia's Jeanine Añez vs. Finland's Sanna Marin



The former clubhouse leader was Yingluck Shinawatra of Thailand
I have never been a big fan of boycott. But I don't see myself eating at Chick-fil-A ever again. Truett Cathy was a great guy who built a great business based on religious morals. His kids seem to be made of different stuff.
The white privilige campaign... is it all talk to fire up the emotionally impaired beneficiaries of the Liberal Industrial Patronage Complex?


The Federal Judge in the defamation action has reversed his prior ruling, which will allow Nick Sandmann (Covington Catholic) to sue the Washington Post
BREAKING: Judge allows Nick Sandmann to sue Washington Post, reverses prior ruling

Nicholas Sandmann’s lawsuit against CNN will proceed to discovery, a federal judge has ruled. This will be a devastating blow to CNN, which will now have all of its emails examined by lawyers for a severely wronged client. I think this is the case filed the the ED KY. Suing CNN in Kentucky seems like it might have a chance if allowed to get all the way to a jury

Big Win - Covington Boys Lawsuit Against CNN Moves Forward

Dropbox - 2019-03-12 - Sandmann v. CNN.pdf - Simplify your life
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At least some Asians do eat dog. A good friend of mine married a chick he met in China (actually Macau), and she has gotten him to eat dog and chicken feet. The ironic part - one time before he met this girl, he went to dinner with Mrs. Deez and me and refused to eat food from Pei Wei - thought it was too "weird and Asian."
I have never been a big fan of boycott. But I don't see myself eating at Chick-fil-A ever again. Truett Cathy was a great guy who built a great business based on religious morals. His kids seem to be made of different stuff.
In some respects, it is not a surprise...I have YET to walk into a Chick-Fil-A where my gaydar was not being tripped by at least two employees...
In some respects, it is not a surprise...I have YET to walk into a Chick-Fil-A where my gaydar was not being tripped by at least two employees...
Chick-fil-a rewards employees that provide good service. If that attracts gays (I have no reason to doubt you), so be it.
Apparently the Norwegian postal service ran an ad that jokingly suggested that Jesus was conceived by Mary nailing her mail man. Link.

I'm not going to lose my mind over this, because it's stupid to get offended by a commercial. However, what if they did something this overtly blasphemous to Muslims even jokingly as this obviously was? First, the Left would not see the humor in it as they surely do here. They'd freak out. Second, people would literally be killed for it.
I have never been a big fan of boycott. But I don't see myself eating at Chick-fil-A ever again. Truett Cathy was a great guy who built a great business based on religious morals. His kids seem to be made of different stuff.

That may be true, but I always said that the Left and the gays shouldn't boycott even if they disagreed with the owner's politics. If I'm going to be consistent, then seeing them change their politics shouldn't make a difference to me.
I'm with you Deez, I am against boycotting and buy products from companies with whom I have big political disagreements.

This is a little different though. This is a "Christian" company now turned against Christians.
This is a little different though. This is a "Christian" company now turned against Christians.

IDK. When people would call CFA "anti-gay", I would correct them and point out that just because the founder said some stuff that you think is anti-gay, does not make the *company* anti-gay. By the same token, just because Truitt Cathy was overtly Christian does not necessarily make his company a "Christian" company.
It was until he died.

Truett wasn't anti-gay. After receiving criticism he reached to several gay activists to develop relationships with them. He didn't approve of the lifestyle, but he cared about all types of people.
Because a govt run by feminists is unable to admit it was wrong, about anything, ever

The handing of the Köln New Year's Eve rampage illustrated this point. The police and media pretended for five days that nothing happened. In reality, over 600 women were sexually assaulted and 22 were raped in public. We only know about it because thousands of people saw it and commented on social media. If these governments are willing to play that game with something that was witnessed by thousands, obviously they won't think twice about manipulating data in a government office somewhere and witnessed by nobody. And of course, the German government is far less idelogical on this than the crackpots in the Swedish government are.
Good grief

That single incident might have soured the German public on the migrant issue more than anything. They didn't sour on it because a bunch of Muslims attacked and raped some women. They soured on it, because they discovered that their own government and media were willing to ******** them to drive the agenda. The people they believed to be fair dealers and straight shooters were proved not to be.

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