Dumb Political Correctness

The whole the “Texas Revolution was over slavery” narrative has to be one of the most absurd historical narratives that completely ignores most other relevant facts.
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Uh oh, looks like the "Equity Office" has busted the city of Austin for being named after a racist. We're going to have to rename it. We can't have one of the most liberal cities in the country named after a racist. I vote for Longhornville. What say you.

What really makes me vomit is this:
Austin fought to defend slavery in spite of Mexico's effort to ban it.
Yeah, those Mexicans were really great humanitarians who wanted to ensure human rights. It's not like they would slaughter surrendering soldiers or anything like that. Noooo
If they acquiesce to this foolishness, then "Pussyville" is the most appropriate name out there.

I would say "Snowflake, Texas", but snow is white and therefore racist, so how about "Diversity Flake, Texas"?
Apparently the City ofAustin Equity Office has a full time staff of 4, plus an intern. The head of it calls himself the Chief Equity Officer. 80% minorities,of course. There’s a good use of your tax dollars Austinites. The front pageof their website details Austin’s racist past
2/3s seems like a lot

Why does a politically liberal place like Hollywood have so many misogynists?

I ask some form of this question all the time but no one ever has the answer.

I would say "Snowflake, Texas", but snow is white and therefore racist, so how about "Diversity Flake, Texas"?
I would be inclined to suggest Dumass but some snowflake might confuse that with a town in the Panhandle that is pronounced differently...
Twitter cofounder should give all that evil money he’s made from creating that Donald Trump bully pulpit away to charity.
The NY Post asks a simple question -- "When will Democrats condemn the left’s growing turn to violence?

I guess the answer is -- not until the see an advantage to themselves in doing so? Which probably means never.

"Last week, a man was indicted for threatening to kill Republican Rep. Diane Black. “They were serious enough threats that the grand jury did take action,” Black said in an interview with Fox News.

It’s been barely a year since the shooting of House Majority Whip Steve Scalise during congressional baseball practice, and the story of the threats to Black was barely a blip in our news.

The shooting last June should have been a wake-up call for our political discourse, but we’ve only been on a further slide since then.

This month, Black’s fellow GOP congressman Jason Lewis says his daughters were threatened. A man threatened to chop up Sen. Rand Paul’s family with an ax.

Another was arrested outside the campaign office of Rep. Lee Zeldin for threatening to kill supporters of President Trump. And the Nebraska GOP office had bricks thrown through its windows and graffiti painted on its wall.

Last week, a guy was beaten up in Oakland after a crowd thought he was a member of the Proud Boys, a right-wing pro-Trump men’s rights group...."

https://nypost.com/2018/07/29/when-will-democrats-condemn-the-lefts-growing-turn-to-violence/?utm_source=twitter_sitebuttons&utm_medium=site buttons&utm_campaign=site buttons
I thought this was funny. Starbucks replaced their plastic straws with sippy cups ... only to then offer single use paper straws wrapped in ... PLASTIC

Burger King gets stupid, gets ratio'ed:

Let's be clear how dumb this is: a marketing team is lecturing its customers for a practice that marketing teams came up with in the first place.

I understand the political point of this story, but this guy is stupid to publicly admit that he did this and pretty stupid to try it. He could get busted for insurance fraud or at a minimum see coverage denied if he gets in a wreck and files a claim. If you're going to lie to your auto insurer to hustle a cheaper rate, don't do it on something that's so easy to disprove.

Chad Felix Greene said:
No. Consent wins. The woman was not informed physical males could enter the women's locker room. There is no hate involved. Reducing women's safety and privacy to 'hate' in this one context is absurd and offensive. The court ruled the company has a responsibility to inform.

Why is it the same ideology that advocates for women to have women-only safe spaces, expect full consent to be respected such that women should control how they are engaged with men in all circumstances, suddenly says that if that man identifies as transgender (or is a migrant, possibly) then the women involved are hateful bigots?
suddenly says that if that man identifies as transgender (or is a migrant, possibly) then the women involved are hateful bigots?

Because the left has a hierarchy of grievance validity. Transgenders are higher up the pyramid of grievance than heterosexual women.
This is pretty insane.

Nine states are seeking a TRO and prior restraint on information posted on the internet. I think we will see more and more attacks on the 1st Amendment like this going forward as liberals attempt to redefine it. Despite the fact that there is a huge body of law on free speech developed over the previous 200 years+, they have decided they dont like it anymore and, on that basis alone, think they should be able to change it. This is all that matters to them.


So this article is titled "Is American Childhood Toxic" and I thought... Amen. Couldn't agree more. And then I read it. And now I get why portions of America are so completely unhinged. Apparently kids are being trained to be "gladiators" in school, with no empathy, no kindness, only trying to beat everyone else, and they're seen as failures if they don't. That... apparently... is why we have school shootings.

The part about adults wanting to still be kids is right on the money. Everything else is borderline crazy. But it's the perfect example of taking isolated incidents or issues and applying them on a grand scale. We "put kids in cages" and therefore kids in elementary school around the country are being taught to be evil capitalists who want to shoot each other because they haven't been taught that health care is a human right and that egalitarianism rather than competition is the right way to live. That sounds like hyperbole and exaggeration of the guy's point. But I'm not sure it is.


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