Dumb Political Correctness

There is also supposed to be a 'gay jewish mafia' doing the same with young men/boys for decades. See Jeffrey Epstein.

Former child star Corey Feldman calls for his peers who witnessed or were victimized by gay Hollywood pedophilia to come forward



Uh. No.

These were actually made by university students.

Let that sink in for a minute

Did anybody else notice that the pic on the left has a finger pointing at the lady's cleavage? I had to zoom in to see what it was pointing at, does that make me a sexual deviant?
The dominoes do seem to be falling.
This guy did The Gambler, Love and Money, Exposed, The Pick-up Artist, The Big Bang, Bugsy, Two Girls and a Guy, Black and White, Harvard Man, When Will I Be Loved and Tyson

This is why these people are Dems. Why they give money to them and why they hold fundraisers for them. It's a racket. It's a different form of the Mafia. There is Money Laundering. There is Protection. There is Corruption. There is Extortion. There is Blackmail. There are Crimes. There are Threats. There are Assaults. There is paid for Silence.

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I've al

I thought I read somewhere that women are covered up as they are in Islam not to control the women but instead to control the men.

It's to control everybody. The men are considered to be uncontrollable sexual animals who aren't responsible for their actions. That's why many of them think it's justifiable or at least "not that bad" when a Muslim guy rapes or assaults a European woman who is dressed in Western attire. Accordingly, instead of telling them to control themselves, they make sure the women dress in a way that avoids temptation. I see women wearing burqas from time to time (though more common is the niqab, which shows the eyes), and you can't see anything that would enable you to know if the woman is attractive. It could be 70 year old grandmother, or it could be smokin hot 23 year old chick. It could even be a dude. You'd never know. (I think trannies should be fans of burqas, but that's another discussion.)

However, it's also to keep women from getting vain and having a choice about her clothes. Keep in mind that this same religion dictates that women don't drive. That has nothing to do with sexual temptation of men, so there's clearly a strong interest in controlling women.
It's to control everybody. The men are considered to be uncontrollable sexual animals who aren't responsible for their actions. That's why many of them think it's justifiable or at least "not that bad" when a Muslim guy rapes or assaults a European woman who is dressed in Western attire. Accordingly, instead of telling them to control themselves, they make sure the women dress in a way that avoids temptation.

Then there's the whole genital mutilation requirement. All about preventing the woman from having urges.
To be fair, most Muslim women don't have this. In fact, I think it's more of an African thing than a Muslim thing.

You're right, never really looked into before. Seems it's more culturally based than religious as groups from several religions have practiced it. Highly concentrated in Africa for the most part as you pointed out.

"FGM's origins in northeastern Africa are pre-Islamic, but the practice became associated with Islam because of that religion's focus on female chastity and seclusion. There is no mention of it in the Quran. It is praised in several hadith (sayings attributed to Muhammad) as noble but not required. In 2007 the Al-Azhar Supreme Council of Islamic Research in Cairo ruled that FGM had "no basis in core Islamic law or any of its partial provisions".
Anyone else sometimes feel a bit of racist condescension in statements like that? If you're white, and you benefitted form racism, you're horrible and you should pay for it. The implication seems to be that if you're black or hispanic, then that's not an issue. Why not? Maybe because deep down, the elites don't really think "those people" should be held to the same standard. They're "third world." They can't help themselves. They are a product of circumstance and hardship and oppression. But white people (note, people whose skin is white, not people who share a common culture, heritage or philosophy) should be better than that. And therefore they deserve the greater scorn and contempt.
I do not remember a legitimate " hate crime" proven to have by a proven Trump supporter. There may be one
but how many fake crimes against women blacks and /or muslims supposedlycaused by Trump supporters have there been in the past 4 months alone?

There are more fake hate crimes than real ones
Here is another

"Last fall and in the spring, the otherwise quiet campus of Eastern Michigan University was hit by three ugly incidents of vandalism targeting blacks that rocked the community.

The first came in September, when “KKK” was sprayed in red, white and blue paint on the wall of a dormitory, along with a threatening racial slur telling blacks to “leave” the school in Ypsilanti, about 11 miles southeast of Ann Arbor.

Then, on Halloween, the same ominous hate message using the n-word and ordering blacks to leave showed up on another building, this one right next to the campus’s monument to Martin Luther King.

It really has rocked our community,” Judith Kullberg, an EMU political scientist and president of the faculty senate told The Washington Post. “In this whole context of a very tense presidential election it has raised anxiety here considerably.”

In the spring, a third racist message was left in a men’s restroom stall.

Coming as other campuses were being hit by similar acts of what appeared to be hate vandalism, the incidents sparked protests and made national news.

On Tuesday, the university was shaken again when police announced that a 29-year-old black man, a former student, had been charged with all three crimes....."

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Another Hollywood molestor
David O. Russell -- who made Spanking the Monkey, Flirting with Disaster, Three Kings, I (love) Huckabees, Nailed, The Fighter, Silver Linings Playbook, American Hustle, Joy and Past Forward

"David’s a loon, talented, but geez once I saw him bring Sally Field to a party and reduce her to tears. Plus remember when he got in trouble for feeling up his transgender nieces [sic] boobs?”

it was only a matter of time before Gloria Allred popped up in the matter of Harvey Weinstein, mega-donor to the the DNC and friend of Hillary

"Another woman said Tuesday that movie mogul Harvey Weinstein sexually assaulted her. Mimi Haleyi, represented by attorney Gloria Allred, said he lured her to a SoHo loft in 2006, where he backed her into what seemed to be a children’s bedroom, and forcibly performed ....
read the rest only if you must
oral sex on her. She was having her period at the time and he pulled out her tampon during the sexual assault, she said.

According to Haleyi, he asked her, “‘Don’t you feel we’re so much closer to each other now?’ To which I replied, ‘No.'”

it was only a matter of time before Gloria Allred popped up in the matter of Harvey Weinstein, mega-donor to the the DNC and friend of Hillary

"Another woman said Tuesday that movie mogul Harvey Weinstein sexually assaulted her. Mimi Haleyi, represented by attorney Gloria Allred, said he lured her to a SoHo loft in 2006, where he backed her into what seemed to be a children’s bedroom, and forcibly performed ....
read the rest only if you must
oral sex on her. She was having her period at the time and he pulled out her tampon during the sexual assault, she said.

According to Haleyi, he asked her, “‘Don’t you feel we’re so much closer to each other now?’ To which I replied, ‘No.'”


Maximum $$$ extraction.
Gloria Allred?

mercy, that dude has more troubling issues than I thought.

Seriously ... he needs to be put away, put down, or "fixed" or something ... and the #MeToo ers (not all who've been sexually assaulted, btw, but the SJWers who are ironically/tragically aligned politically with this guy) need to understand they've contributed to this very thing ... and wake-up, themselves.
This is an apple.
Some people may try to tell you that it is a banana.
They might scream banana banana banana over and over and over again ...........

Someone put together a running list of Hollywood Pervs ....

1. Terry Richardson – Celebrity Photographer - Accusations of sexual harassment.
2. Roman Polanski – Oscar-Winning Director. Admitted child rapist. Four other women claim Polanski assaulted them as minors.
3. David O. Russell – Oscar-nominated Director. Accused of groping,on-set verbal and physical abuse.
4. Oliver Stone – Oscar-Winning Director. Accused of groping a woman at a party.
5. Ben Affleck – Actor, Oscar-Winning Director and Screenwriter. Multiple allegations of groping, one he apologized for.
6. Harvey Weinstein – Oscar-Winning Producer. Removed from the board of the company he co-founded due to dozens of accusations of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, groping and rape.
7. James Toback – Director, Oscar-Nominated Screenwriter. Over 200 sexual harassment allegations.
8. Bob Weinstein – Oscar-Winning Producer. Accused of sexual harassing a former employee.
9. Harry Knowles – Founder of Ain’t It Cool News. Stepped down due to allegations of sexual harassment and groping.
10. Devin Faraci – Movie Writer at Birth.Death.Movies. Accused of sexual assault and harassment.
11. Roy Price – Head of Amazon Studios. Resigned due to allegations of sexual misconduct.
12. Twiggy Ramiriez – Bass Player for Marilyn Manson. Accused of raping a former girlfriend.
13. Tyler Grasham – Talent Agent. Resigned due to allegations of sexual harassment and sexual assault from his male, underage clients.
14. Netflix – One of the Most Powerful Companies In Entertainment. Settled $1.5 million sexual harassment claim filed by a heterosexual male executive who says he was harassed by male and female superiors.
15. Lockhart Steele – Media Director at Vox. Fired over allegations of sexual harassment.
16. Andy Signore – Creator of Honest Trailers. Fired due to numerous allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct.
17. David Blaine – Superstar Magician. Accused of drugging and raping a 21 year-old model.
18. Gilbert Rozon – Judge on France’s Got Talent. Suspended over sexual harassment claims.
19. Rupert Myers – British GQ Writer. Fired over allegations of sexual assault.
20. John Besh – Celebrity Chef. Accused of sexual assault and harassment.
21. Shadie Elnashai – Cinefamily Executive. Fired over allegations of rape and harassment.
22. Hadrian Belove – Cinefamily Executive. Resigned over allegations of sexual harassment.
23. Woody Allen – Oscar-Winning Screenwriter and Director. Accusations of child molestations. No charges were filed after an investigation.
24. Steven Seagal – Actor. Allegations of sexual harassment.
25. Chris Savino – Creator of Nickelodeon’s Loud House. Fired over allegations of sexual harassment.
26. Bill Cosby – Iconic Comedian, Actor. Dozens of accusations of drugging and raping women.

Accused but so far remain unnamed…
27. Whoever preyed on 13 year-old Molly Ringwald.
28. Whoever sexually assaulted nine year-old America Ferrera.
29. The music executives who abused and allowed the abuse of Kaya Jones.
30. The director who sexually assaulted 16-year-old Reese Witherspoon.
31. The director who harassed and punished Björk.
32. The men who sexually assaulted Corey Haim and Corey Feldman as children.
33. The man who assaulted Terry Crews.
34. The men who assaulted James Van Der Beek.
35. The countless, unnamed “predators” in the fashion industry.
36. The man who sexually assaulted 16-year-old Laura Dern.
37. The doctor who molested a 13-year-old McKayla Maroney.
38. The TV executive who assaulted Maureen Ryan.
39. Men fired by 'Broad City' Star Ilana Glazer
40. Oscar-winning actor accused assaulting US broadcaster's significant other
41. Whoever abused Lady Gaga’s abuser
42. Whoever abused Gabrielle Union
43. The producer who declared a 15-year-old Jennifer Lawrence “f***able.”
There are more fake hate crimes than real ones Here is another

The EMU Chief of Police's conclusion that Eddie Curlin wasn't motivated by politics or race because "it was an individual item done by one individual" makes no sense whatsoever. To involve politics or race, I guess he thinks it has to be a group effort, like by the Young Republicans or something.

I think the police chief is clinging to the liberal myth that a black man can't be racist.
Obviously Curlin wanted to stir up racial strife, which takes almost no effort these days.

I posted a article about Michigan St going on lock down because someone found a brand new shoe lace on the floor of a dorm and hung it on a door knob so the person who lost it would see it. Well, the dorm room was occupied by a black female who decide the shoe lace looked like a noose and called campus police. The incident provoke a letter from the dean to the entire student body about no racial intolerance would be tolerated, etc., etc., etc. Campus police, after an intensive investigation, concluded that the shoe lace came from the factory shaped like that and that somebody had probably dropped it.

These are crazy, crazy times we're living in.
Say it aint so
Dude, where's my hand?

Bush 41 does seem to have a bulge in his trousers, but, at his age, it's probably just his Depends underwear.

I can't believe she went public and shamed the old guy. He's a war hero and a life-long public servant. Jeez, let him cop a feel. What's it gonna hurt?

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